
The World's Fastest Indian

The World's Fastest Indian is a film focusing on an intepid tinkerer, Burt Monro, played by Anthony Hopkins. We get a glimpse into this man's hopes and dreams. The Indian is a 1920's motorbike which has been modified just about beyond recognition.

The film opens in New Zealand. We meet Hopkins in his tool shop, and see his practical approach to machine shop practice and motorcycle design. He is aided by a neighbor's son, and a pension clerk. His dream is to “top end” the bike on the Bonneville Salt Flats.

The next part shows us a road trip as this "kiwi" from New Zealand overcomes a series of obstacles to get to the salt flats in time for the big event. It is very engaging to watch as folks of all different walks of life lend a helping hand along the way to our persistent protagonist.

The final part shows us the Bonneville Salt Flats "Speed Week" in1967. It was great to see the reproduction of the event, and many of the details involved in this type of racing.

The World's Fastest Indian is a very enjoyable film with broad appeal. Anthony Hopkins is showcased as a master of his craft. It is closely based on a true story, and the DVD includes lots of extra footage, including an interview with Munro.

Overall Grade: A

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