
A New Save Page Feature

When you find something interesting on the internet, of course we all want to be able to find it again, and even share it with others. One way to be able to do this is to print it out, and put it up on the refrigerator with a magnet. While that will work it is so '90's (or maybe even '80's).

Anyway, we are in the Web 2.0 era. Social bookmarking is all the rage. Social who? That's social bookmarking! With a free online account, to a site like Delicious, you can save the reviews that you want to be able to find at a later date. If several users save the same item, then it becomes a "hot" review, and the packs swarm.

To make this easier, all new reviews will have the "Save This Link" next to the Delicious "chiclet" at the bottom of the post. Give it a try, and you'll be hooked. Enjoy!

I'm also including Digg which is a similar service. If you enjoy an article, here or anywhere else, feel free to "digg it."

Save This Page

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