
You, Me and Dupree (2006)

You, Me and Dupree is the most recent of the Owen Wilson films. This time he plays Dupree, a kind of "class clown" / "life of the party" that everyone loved having around growing up, but has outlived his jokes, and not aged gracefully. Dupree is the best man at the wedding who literally shows up on the post-honeymoon doorstep needing assistance. Step by step, he wears out his welcome, big time! Kate Hudson and Michael Douglas are consistently good in their supporting roles.

This movie relies heavily on physical comedy to generate its laughs. This works, for the most part, although like Dupree, starts to get a little wearing with time. There's a limit to how many disasters can occur: flood, fire, falls, broken bones- the whole gamut gets used, and then the cycle begins again. There is a story here, but the comedy takes over at multiple points. Still, I did find You, Me and Dupree an entertaining affair, just not one that I'd watch again too soon.

Overall Grade: B-

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