
Armchair 2.0

By now, our faithful readership has noticed that we've done a little "face lift" around the ol' Armchair Critic. Last week Blogger finally let our team blog go to the newer 2.0 interface. Hopefully it will be more stable than the previous version. I also took the opportunity to clean up some of the clutter that had accumulated over the past year.

The killer app of Blogger 2.0 is the tags. This makes it real simple to find more content. For example, clicking on a musical group's, or author's name in the tags at the end of the post will bring up all of the reviews we've done by that particular group or actor. It also allows us to easily keep track of how many movie reviews we've done, and more easily find older content for us as well as our readership. Another advantage is that we can more easily add online videos, like the one I found below.

Thanks for bearing with us during the last week or so, and things should run normally from here on out...at least for a while!

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