
I-CON 26

This past weekend I attended I-CON 26, my 9th straight I-CON convention. This is an annual conventionat SUNY Stony Brook on Long Island, NY that covers science fiction, gaming, fantasy, medieval, anime, and a multitude of other topics. And this year had everything that keeps me coming back year after year.

For me, the highlight was running a panel on a very fun, very unusual topic: "Super(hero) S&M!" I can't go into too much detail here, for fear of offending some Armchair Critic readers; if you want more info, post a comment. I did have a packed room of between 60 and 80 people, everyone seemed very entertained, and I even got a form of my demonstration to work! And I already have plans for a similar panel next year...

I found lots to in many other areas. I enjoyed panels ranging from how to run a successful convention (including a veteran whose first convention was in 1939) to a hysterical panel on the 10 worst video games ever (and why you probably love them). Peter David and company entertained us with true tales of the comic industry, and some parapsychologists/debunkers discussed "real" paranormal phenomena portrayed in movies. A surprising disappointment was the normally entertaining "Why People Suck" panel. Maybe it was the absence of Randy Milholland, maybe the panelists weren't angry enough, but this event quickly degenerated into awkward silences, side-conversations in the audience, and the panel members passing some booze back and forth between them. What a letdown from the previous angry hilarity. Maybe next year it'll be back in form.

I-CON had plenty of ongoing and informal events. The dealer's room was large and very open, with plenty of comic books and gaming, dvds and signed autographs, old memorabilia and new toys. The gaming rooms provided both scheduled gaming and a variety of games that people could borrow for some informal play. (I won at Marvel Heroes, came in 3rd out of 5 in Ticket To Ride, and lost to fellow Armchair Critic Scott at Betrayal At House Of The Hill.) And many people went in costume, some of which I've posted.

For anyone interested in I-CON 27, the countdown has begun! The website is www.iconsf.org and while it's more than a little early for more details to be available, it's worth checking now and then to see what's happening in the planning for next time. I'll see you there!

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics, Jim! Your panel could actually have some play in academia--it's quite noticeable that superhero comics tend to have very strong sexual and even S&M subtextual material, and I don't think it's offensive (rather very intriguing). ;-)
