
The Heartbreak Kid (2007)

What do you get when you mix the Farrelly brothers with the comedy of Ben Stiller? Well, one kind of messed up film with an interesting premise, that mostly doesn't work throughout The Heartbreak Kid.

Ben Stiller plays Eddie Cantrow, a mostly successful sports goods store owner in San Francisco who is single and longs for finding the perfect woman. On the rebound, he thinks he finds her in a chance street encounter, in Lila (Malin Ackerman). After a hasty courtship, and a rushed wedding, they are off on their honeymoon. However, the honeymoon ends during the honeymoon (actually on the drive to it). Set in a Mexican resort, Eddie discovers that his new wife is not the woman of his dreams, and can't even stand her! Instead he falls for Miranda (Michelle Ackerman) who really seems just perfect for him. Ben's real life father, Jerry Stiller plays, in what is undoubtedly a stretch for him, Eddie's father.

I think the premise of The Heartbreak Kid is clever enough, but then goes off into a series of not so funny scenes that make you think that all the characters are clearly nuts. I generally don't like Ben Stiller films, and this one fits the mold of more silliness than substance.

Overall Grade: C

Reviewed by Jonas

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