
I Could Never Be Your Woman (2007)

I Could Never Be Your Woman is another entry into the ever popular romantic comedy genre. It stars Michelle Pfeiffer and Paul Rudd. The key to a good romantic comedy is there needs to be something keeping the lovers apart, and in this case it is their age. Once the film gets underway, we learn that Pfeiffer's character, Rosie, a television screenwriter, is over forty years old. Rudd plays Adam, a twenty something actor that is playing a high school student on her TV show. Clearly age is keeping them apart, and that is the stumbling block.

Juxtaposed on top of this is Rosie's teenage daughter, Izzie (Saoirse Ronan) who is tossing her Barbie dolls for teenagehood as the film progresses. While the relationship between the adults seems artificial, she is the one strong performance in this film (not counting the Henry Winkler cameo, gotta love "The Fonz").

Adding to the wackiness, and artificialness is Tracey Ullman, who gets tossed into far too many scenes as Mother Nature. It doesn't add anything to the story, and rather serves to distract as she wanders onto a Hollywood backlot. I think some type of narration or voice over would have worked much better than to have her in the middle of a scenes where she clearly didn't belong.

Cutting to the chase, I Could Never Be Your Woman is a lackluster film, and easy to skip. Think of it as "I Could Never Be Your Film;" the few catchy one liners can't save this film from mediocrity.

Overall Grade: C

Reviewed by Jonas

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