
The Hot Chick (2002)

Clearly I was scraping the bottom of the barrel when I sat through The Hot Chick. If I wanted to figure out how dumb a Rob Schneider film could get, than we may have reached a new low. I'll try an enumerate the horror.

Anna Faris plays April, the stereotypical high school hottie that has her entourage of friends reassuring her of her beauty on an hourly basis. Schneider is Clive Maxtone, a down on his luck guy who robs a gas station convenience store only to figure out the register is nearly empty because everyone charges their gas. Faster than we can say Freaky Friday, or 13 Going On 30, or even Big, we have these two characters, via a set of Mall "artifact" earrings switch bodies. We now focus on Schneider's body with April inside. It's a challenge to convince her friends that it's really her, and to duck out from her family and teachers. Along the way, we get overly generous helpings of penis jokes, bathroom humor, and hair removal from less than mentionable places. Overall, not funny, and it gets real old before too long at all.

There were a few bits that did contain some humor. The bit where Schneider ends up working for April's father, and to avoid chatter pretends he's a Hispanic, and calls himself Taquito was funny. However, like a SNL skit, it is more self contained and doesn't go anywhere towards the greater film.

In case you can't figure it out yet, I'm not recommending The Hot Chick. It's far more crude then funny, and the plot is virtually nonexistent at too many parts, even in comparison of some of his other films. Unless you're a die hard Rob Schneider fan, you can steer clear of this one.

Overall Grade: C-

Reviewed by Jonas

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