
Peter David --update

Peter David is a self-proclaimed "Writer of Stuff," and that's certainly true: He's written comic books, television episodes, screenplays, movie novelizations, original novels, franchise novels, and a weekly column called "But I Digress."  Several of his writings have been reviewed here.

Unfortunately, at the end of 2012 Peter David had a terrible stroke.  Updates on his condition and recovery are being posted on his website (currently updated by his wife Kathleen) and everyone is hoping for his recovery.

In the meantime, anyone wanting to help Peter David can buy any of his books from Crazy 8 Press (the publishing imprint Mr. David co-created) or through online sites or bookstores.  It will help him with his upcoming medical bills (and doesn't hurt him as an author, either!).

And please keep a good thought for Peter David and his family.

Written by James Lynch

P.S.  Since the post, Peter David has been improving day by day, and today he was cleared to go to rehab.  Woot!

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