
Demi Lovato, DEMI (Target version)

While Demi Lovato dealt with her hardships and trials on her last albbum, her new album Demi has her focusing squarely on boys and romance.  The result is some pretty standard pop.

To her credit, Lovato does have a strong voice, and she attacks the songs with eagerness, whether on the impassioned first single "Heart Attack" or the breathy ballads through the album like the yearning "Nightingale" or the hate-and-love-together single "I Hate You, Don't Leave Me" on the Target edition.  (Disclaimer: I work for Target -- but I don't play for Target!)

Alas, all the songs on Demi are pretty routine about either being in love or being out of love.  There are such overused images as two halves of a whole ("We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit togethe rlike/ two pieces of a broken heart") or some amazing verbal clunkers (like bragging that a romance in "made in the U.S.A." or that a shallow guy will "try to take me home like you're DiMaggio").

Demi has some good songs, but the album becomes an ordinary collection of sonsgs about why romance is great or why it's awful.  It's ironic that this former Disney star made an album that could have been released while she was with Disney, years after she left them.

Overall grade: C-
Reviewed by James Lynch

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