
Fall TV 2013 New Shows

Here is a roundup of some of the new Fall shows for the 2013 season that have debuted.

Brooklyn Ninety-Nine

This is a half hour police show.  It is designed as a comedy, with some serious underpinnings.  It reminded me a little of the 80's  "Sledgehammer," although a little less silly and slap sticky.  Worth checking out.

Grade: B+


One hour show that focuses on a surgeon's family gets taken hostage when she is supposed to operate on the US President.  Oh, and her family will be killed unless she assassinates him during the procedure.  And you thought your job was stressful!  With plenty of action, and enough back stories of the family members, this one kept my interest.

Grade: A-


This looked a little formulaic in the ads.  I have to say it held my attention, and I am looking forward to next week.  The idea of the villain being blurred between the evil genius and the omniscient helper is definitely more ambitious than most shows these days. 

Grade: A

Lucky 7

I was not sure what to make of a show that is based on the premise of seven gas station workers that hit it big in the state megamillions lottery.  Well, reportedly most folks in this situation are not really better off- and I just think this show may reveal why more exactly.  Entertaining, but not overwhelming.  Hey, at least it is not another police show...

Grade: B

Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This was a disappointment on all levels.  Maybe I still lament No Ordinary Family only lasting one season, perhaps with Marvel in the title I thought we would see some superheroes that I actually knew.  This just shows that the update of the Justice League to the 21st century is not a smooth one.

Grade: D

The Crazy Ones

 Robin Williams returns to the "Small screen" as an advertising executive, and his daughter works at the same firm.  I wondered if this would provide enough opportunity for Williams to unleash his distinct brand of comedy, and the answer is a resounding yes.  Take a look for some chuckles.

Grade: B+


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