

So here's something different: a drama about comedy.  Don't Think Twice is less about laughs and more about the impact of limited success on friends and lovers.

Don't Think Twice focuses on a NYC improv comedy group called the Commune: Miles (Mike Birbiglia), Jack (Keegan-Michael Key), Sam (Gillian Jacobs), Allison (Kate Micucci), Lindsay (Tami Sagher), and Bill (Chris Gethard).  In addition to performing together, the group are friends, often riffing on what each other says, and hanging out when not performing; and Jack and Sam are romantically involved with each other.
The group has their share of problems as well.   Most of them have pretty menial jobs: Bill hands out free samples at a grocery store, Allison has been working on a comic book for years, and Miles teaches improv (and had taught several members of the Commune) -- and often sleeps with his young female students.  Bill's father is in terrible shape after a motorcycle accident.  And the studio where they perform will be closing down in a month.

The biggest change happens with an incredible opportunity: Jack and Sam get called in to audition for a Saturday Night Live-type show called Weekend Live.  Sam panics and skips the audition, while Jack gets hired -- the opportunity of a lifetime.  The other Commune members are initially happy for Jack, but soon they become both needy (wanting him to hand in their writing and pitch them to the show) and resentful.  They also find themselves questioning whether improv will give them the lives they really want
While the improv scenes are amusing, Don't Think Twice is more about the changes and growing among this close group of friends.  Unfortunately, as with so many ensemble movies, the movie focuses on a few characters (Miles, Jack, Bill) and the others become almost one-trait characters.  The movie is enjoyable, but also pretty basic: not bad, but not really deep or insightful.  Don't Think Twice is good for a lighter drama, with a bit of comedy sprinkled in.

Overall grade: B-
Reviewed by James Lynch

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