Light Yagami is a high school senior who is utterly brilliant, utterly bored, and pretty disgusted with the world around him. Things change for him when, one day in class, he sees a notebook fall from the sky outside. Light picks up the notebook -- which has the words "Death Note" written on the cover in English -- and finds that it contains several rules: If the owner of the Death Note writes someone's name in it while picturing that person's face, that person will die. The owner of the Death Note can also specify the time and way the person dies; if that is left blank, the victim will die in 30 seconds of a heart attack.
So, what's a bored, angry genius to do with the ultimate weapon of death? Light decides to make the world a better place by killing as many criminals as he can, taking credit for this using the pseudonym "Kira." Light wants to make a better world -- and proclaims that he will be the god of this new utopia.
Mass murders don't go unnoticed, which brings Light/Kira in opposition with his brilliant opposite: L. This famous, mysterious detective only appears at first speaking through a laptop carried by his associate. When we finally see L, he's almost the opposite of Light: L is pale, hunched over, usually barefood, always eating junk food, and completely lacking in any social graces. He's also amazingly intelligent, and soon becomes convinved that Light is Kira. Much of Death Note becomes a game between the two, as L tries to prove his suspicion that Light Yagami is the killer, while Light seeks a way to kill L without implicating himself.
Death Note has a few typical, almost stereotypical, elements of anime -- the cool, handsome, brooding antihero, the giggly untra-hot girl -- but these flaws pale compared to the impressive, tense story. This series recently wrapped up airing on U.S. television, and the end was as dramatic and satisfactory as one could hope. Death Note is an impressive animated series, one worth watching from start to finish.
Overall grade: A-
Reviewed by James Lynch
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