As with many soundtracks to Kevin Smith films, this soundtrack has numerous clips of dialogue from the movie. These are quick -- most are less than a minute long -- and they're hilarious, capturing some of the funniest moments from the movie Zack and Miri Make A Porno.
As for the songs, they're a mixed bag. Just as one would expect from a movie about shooting a porno, there are lots of songs about sex, from Primus' "Winona's Big Brown Beaver" to Jesus and Mary Chain's "Just Like Honey." Alas, several of the songs are ones I wouldn't listen to on their own: The Pixies' "Hey" is one of their weaker songs, Lem's "Steal My Sunshine" had justly been forgotten, and I could have gone the rest of my life without hearing Jermaine Stewart's "We Don't Have to Take Out Clothes Off." Also, some songs played in the movie are missing, including DJ Cool's "Let Me Clear My Throat" and Live's "Hold Me Up."
There are highlights on the Zack and Miri Make A Porno soundtrack. Blondie's "Dreaming" is always great to hear, plus MC Chris provides the perfect geek rap with "Fett's Vette." And the comedy clips are funny. The Zack and Miri Make A Porno soundtrack should have included all of the music from the movie, and some of the songs are duds, but it is a nice diversion -- and a good reminder of an amusing film.
Overall grade: B-
Reviewed by James Lynch
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