Each player gets three characters: a Pin-Up cheerleader, a Tough Guy, and a Gunman; in a four-player game, each player also gets a Kid. Players also have a voting wheel, used to choose buildings and cast votes.
The board is composed of six buildings. Each building can hold a certain number of people. The Parking Lot can get players action cards (but leave the characters very vulnerable), the Security H.Q. gives advance warning of where zombies are headed, and the Supermarket is more easily invaded by zombies.

The key to Mall of Horror is voting. When a vote is called for, each character at the location gets a vote --except the Gunman,who gets two votes -- and players secretly vote with their voting wheel. If there's a tie everyone votes. The winner gets to: search the truck in the Parking Lot vote (getting three action cards, then choosing one to keep, one to give away, and one to discard); elect a Chief of Security (who gets to see the die roll indicating where the zombies are heading); or choose which player has to lose characters to the zombies.

If there are more characters than zombies (and the Tough Guy counts as two), the attack is repelled -- but the zombies stay at the building. If the number of zombies is equal to or greater than the number of characters there, the players vote on who has to sacrifice a character; then the character is discarded, as are all the zombies at the location. Every zombie at the Parking Lot gets to kill a character, determined by voting. Only four zombies are needed to succeed at the Supermarket, no matter how many players are there. Zombies at an empty building stay there -- and if eight zombies accumulate at an empty building, that building is condemned and no one can go there.
Mall of Horror is a game of mixed quality. This does capture the feel of a zombie uprising, as the zombies are initially fairly easy to repel but, as their numbers increase and the characters start dying, a sense of desperation is felt. Strategy is key, as players have to decide what to go for (control of the Security Office, risk the Parking Lot for cars, or even who to send to a building about to be overrun by zombies.) And the art is appropriately creepy.
The rules are fairly straightforward -- and that can be a problem. With the only real variety being in the action cards, the voting and moving can be repetitive. All the characters have the same art, and each type of character functions the same for all players. There are also a few small translation problems, from awkward wording in the rules ("A mysterious scientific experiment allowed dead to raise to devour the living ones") to the building labeled "Cachou." And while a few action cards will kill zombies (or slow them down), the only true way to win is by sacrificing the others -- which could lead to some hurt feelings among players.
Mall of Horror reminds me of the old joke about two friends who see a tiger charging at them. The first friend starts putting on his running sneakers, the second tells him that he can't outrun the tiger, and the first answers, "I don't have to outrun the tiger. I just have to outrun you." If you and the other players want a horror game about sacrificing opponents instead of directly defeating evil, then Mall of Horror is for you.
Overall game: B-
Reviewed by James Lynch
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