Talk Like A Pirate Day isn't until September 19th, but Munchkin Booty -- the most recent game in the Munchkin series from Steve Jackson Games -- lets players act (and talk) like pirates any time they want. The two expansions for this game are Munchkin Booty 2: Jump the Shark and Fish & Ships, offering differing amounts for the original game.
Jump The Shark (sample cards shown below) doesn't change the original game as much as it gives it more th' same (to borrow a Lovecraftian phrase). There's one new class -- the Explorer -- and an odd way of supporting our troops: Four monsters suffer a penalty to current or former members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines, while current or former members of other military areas start at level 2. Otherwise, Jump the Shark gives more -- 112 cards more -- of the monsters, curses, treasures, modifiers, and classes that make Munchkin Booty so much fun.
Overall grades:
Munchkin Booty 2: Jump the Shark: B+
Fish & Ships: B
Reviewed by James Lynch
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