Things begin well enough for Thor (Chris Hemworth). He slays the demon Surtur, who was foretold to have brought abour Ragnarok, the destruction of Asgard. He exposes Loki (Tom Hiddleston), who had been pretending to be Odin, and the two brothers find the real Odin (Anthony Hopkins) on Earth.
That's when things start going bad. Odin passes away, and with his death his previously unknown daughter Hela (Kate Blanchett) is released. Hela is the Goddess of Death, and she is tremendously powerful: casually flinging weapons from her body, slaying Asgardian soldiers by the dozens, and even shattering Thor's hammer. Her goal: conquer Asgard, then use the Rainbow Bridge to conquer the Nine Realms with her army of undead soldiers and giant wolf.

As for Thor and Loki, they get lost in transit, winding up on a war-planet, where Thor is captured by the Asgardian warrior Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) and forced by the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum) to fight in gladiator-style combat. Worse, the Grandmaster's champion is the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), who liked being there and has no problem fighting his fellow Avenger.
Thor: Ragnarok is one of the lighter Marvel superhero movies, but it's still enjoyable. There are numerous cameos from Marvel characters from the movies and comic books, plus humor coming from seemingly everywhere. In addition, the cast is quite good, and Cate Blanchett makes a very menacing villain, fine with slaughtering anyone to get what she wants. The action sequences are good (if very CGI-filled) and this ties into the overall Marvel cinematic universe without overdoing the connections. This is far from the best superhero movie of 2017, but I enjoyed it.
Overall grade: B
Reviewed by James Lynch
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