Coach Carter, starring Samuel Jackson, combines the excitement of basketball, somewhat like Hoosiers, with the hard knocks of an inner city school, like in Stand By Me. What results is a look into one man’s contribution to a team of high school boy’s lives that goes far beyond the foul line of any basketball court. Coach Carter is based on a true story.
Coach Carter is a former all star basketball player, bored in his current job, and wants to give “something back.” He decides to take over the losing high school basketball team of his high school alma mater. As fast as you can say “pick and roll,” he realizes that these boys need a whole lot more than some assistance with their free throws.
Coach Carter is punctuated by many touching and humorous moments. The Coach ramps up his authority off the court, enforcing his rules. It become clear that while the players dislike their coach, they realize he has their best interest at heart and a vision for them that goes beyond what they would seek for themselves.
The relationship with Coach Carter’s son provides additional drama to the movie.
In conclusion, I recommend this to anyone who wants a sports themed, “stand up and cheer” movie event. Even with over a two hour running time, the movie is paced well.
Overall Grade: A-
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