Keeping Up With the Steins is a tongue-in-cheek look at what goes into a Bar Mitzvah, and outdoing one's neighbor in the process. Its cast includes Daryl Hannah, Doris Roberts and Garry Marshall, notably directed by his son, Scott Marshall.
Despite the serious nature of this religious milestone in a Jewish boy's journey to manhood, this film pokes fun at it in a respectful way. The opening scene showing the way over the top Titanic themed Bar Mitzvah is more than entertaining. This is the Stein's boy's Bar Mitzvah, that throws the gauntlet down that the competitive Fiedler's will try to outdo. Unfortunately, the true meaning of milestone gets lost as the event planner boosts the event to even bigger levels as they plunge full steam ahead to rent out a stadium and hire stars to appear. As we proceed, at an almost out of control rate, the boy gets to develop a relationship with his grandfather, and the whole event gets regrounded before it spirals off into space somewhere.
For anyone hat has ever planned an event, Keeping Up With the Steins is sure to ring true; just don't expect anything too meaningful out of it.
Overall Grade: B-

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