The story that sets the scene is that a brilliant scientist gets lost in the Amazon after a plane crash. She is presumed dead, and forgotten. Fast forwarding ten years we have a corporation attempting to monopolize the world's water. Hence the title of the novel, Blue Gold. Kurt and Joe stumble on this and unravel the mystery that leads them from Mexico to Lake Tahoe. There's also a stop in Alaska's Aleutian Islands with some vintage military hardware.
The other plot line involves two other NUMA scientists who who find our plane crashed scientist. The storyline in Central America in search of rain forest pharmaceuticals reminded me of The Codex.
The nonstop action at a breakneck pace is quintissential Cussler. Even a casual reader will appreciate the care with which the authors carefully choose the words to succintly and accurately create this work of art. Blue Gold should make anyone's list of novels to spend some time with.
Overall Grade: A-
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Also Reviewed by Cussler:
Black Wind
Fire Ice
Trojan Odyssey
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