The year was 1965, and the civil rights movement was in full swing in America. Against this backdrop we have the movie Glory Road.
A girl's high school basketball coach is given the opportunity to coach boy's basketball at a NCAA division I school- Western Texas University. Despite having to move his family into a college dorm, this coach is on a mission to win. Unfortunately, he needs some better players, and can't compete with the budgets of the bigger schools. In a then revolutionary move, he decides to go the inner cities and recruits a team of African American players. He then trains these players to become a championship team.
This happens against all odds. The players are in continual culture shock. While they have plenty of talent, it is rather raw, and difficult to control at times. As they play throughout the South, they also encounter racism at several of their stops.
Glory Road is supported well by vintage footage of the era. The soundtrack also sounds like a Motown's Greatest Hits album which is always great to listen to.
While I'm no great fan of basketball, I'm always up for a stand up and cheer movie. Glory Road is a great film, and tells a story that is not only true, but should not be forgotten.
Overall Grade: A
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