I've enjoyed the
Preston and Child novels, so when I saw that Lincoln Child wrote a solo novel (it is actually his third...) I took a look.
In terms of originality of plot,
Deep Storm is up there.
This novel focuses on Peter Crane, a naval doctor who is well known for his clinical acumen in diagnosing underwater diseases.
When a mysterious outbreak occurs at a deep sea archeology site, he is called in.
He soon realizes that this dig for a lost civilization is not what it seems, and there is substantially more going on here.
While Deep Storm is intended to take place in the present, it reads more like science fiction. The fantastical descriptions of the undersea dig site are rich, and well done. They are also more plausible than a lot of science fiction that leaves me cold.
Throughout the novels of Preston and Child, we have the undercurrent of man vs. nature. No matter how much man prepares and plans for every possibility, nature always wins. This theme runs throughout Deep Storm as well, and carries it forward.
I was pleasantly surprised that there were no medical errors. It probably helped that the disease doesn't exactly come out of any medical textbook. On the other hand, there was an obvious error in WiFi network frequency. Lincoln, just so we're clear, both 802.11b and the newer 802.11g operate on 2.4 GHz not 5.1 GHz like you stated. Perhaps you were thinking of the less common 802.11a, which works on 5.8 GHz? While it is a small point, I do expect my technothrillers to get the tech accurate.
Overall Deep Storm is an awesome read. Its original plot, combined with the intrigue consistent with this author's previous works make it the must read of this year. Any lover of science fiction or thriller literature will treasure this book.
Overall Grade: A
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