Friends. Rivals. Sisters.

In Her Shoes is a thoughtful drama that features Cameron Diaz, Shirley Mac Laine and Toni Collette. Here we have the situation of two diametrically opposite sisters. One is an overachieving attorney who puts her career above her personal life. Opposite that we have a sister that can't hold down a job, and sleeps around in empty relationships at every opportunity. Add in a father distracted by a proverbial wicked stepmother and we've got all the makings of a serious drama. Thankfully, In Her Shoes is interspersed with enough comedic touches to keep this from becoming so heavy that it drops like a rock into the abyss of tragedy.
We clearly have a scarred, and dysfunctional family that still can't move on from the loss of their mother and wife. An estranged grandmother, across the country, provides the catalyst for a healing process to begin.
In Her Shoes is a well acted story of family relationships and healing.

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